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Default 06-10-2007, 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by snipeymagoo
Rofl, fucking hippies...they accomplish nothing and get run over by a boat. Shit load of wannabe hippies out here in Oregon, but they never have the balls to protest.
Oh Shut the fuck up you redneck piece of shit.

Why have people got so much against greenpeace? As far as Im concerned some of the stuff they do is actually very important. Hippies? lol, I love that neo-con-wannabe buzz word.
Most people probably don't know why they don't like Greenpeace but they do know how it's painted by politicians and popular media - ala all this hippy rubbish. Granted I'm sure you could find plenty of bizarre things GP members have done but the same can be said for any large organization.

Edit: It was irresponsible on the part of the police regardless of your feelings on GP.
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