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Default 06-13-2007, 12:29 AM

Originally Posted by Sniper101
Originally Posted by "Fluffy_Bunny":f8d02
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by "snipeymagoo":f8d02
Rofl, fucking hippies...they accomplish nothing and get run over by a boat. Shit load of wannabe hippies out here in Oregon, but they never have the balls to protest.
Oh Shut the fuck up you redneck piece of shit.

Why have people got so much against greenpeace? As far as Im concerned some of the stuff they do is actually very important. Hippies? lol, I love that neo-con-wannabe buzz word.
I don't mid greenpeace as they are doing the righteous stuff like trying to save the world from global warming & going against over fishing etc. It's all the fkers who protest outside the military bases & nuclear installations that piss me off.
i second that...and to add to it, the ones that protest the war at the funerals of fallen soldiers. BTW NH it signing in a bill that will outlaw that...but you wait, someone will make a class-action suit out of it saying it is unconstitutional (which, sadly, he would be right)
Greenpeace protest funerals of soldiers? Thats news to me. I think you're just lumping all people that protest together which is the retardedness I was attacking in the first place....

When the world is fucked from global warming you're all gonna regret not listening to those stupid greenpeace "hippies" and taking them seriously.

Its just trendy to hate on greenpeace/protesters/so-called hippies....YEAH WE'RE WHINING ON THE INTERNET YEAH LOOK AT ME IM MADDOX YEAH- Shut the fuck up. This means you snipey, you fat-headed fucking doucheranger.[/quote:f8d02]

God you're such a hippie...shut up already.[/quote:f8d02]

lol die
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