Originally Posted by Sparks
Originally Posted by Zoner
Originally Posted by Sparks
Originally Posted by "Zoner":07614
Linking to a movie that hasn't been released yet is kinda dodgy.
That's an oxymoron.
If he has a link to it, technically, it's been released.
You're naive.
You're "absent, absent-minded, absorbed, abstracted, amnesic, blind, blundering, careless, deaf, disregardful, distracted, dreamy, forgetful, forgetting, gone, heedless, ignorant, inattentive, incognizant, inconversant, insensible, neglectful, negligent, overlooking, preoccupied, regardless, spacey, strung out, unacquainted, unaware, unconcerned, unconscious, undiscerning, unfamiliar, uninformed, uninstructed, unknowing, unmindful, unnoticing, unobservant, unrecognizing, unwitting, zonked."*
It's been released at the Cannes Film Festival already just shortly ago in May.
*www.dictionary.com synonyms for 'ignorant'
You're soon-to-be-banned. Find a fucking synonym for that, dicklips.[/quote:07614]
do ittttt