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Default 06-14-2007, 10:45 AM

i think the dude who started greenpeace left because he said the group was becoming too radical in their tactics. some of the messages are fine, yeah, but any time you hear about them is when the do something stupid. maybe they have to do stupid things to be heard, otherwise you'd never of heard of them due to what the media covers. so perhaps their tactics are a byproduct of our society.

Why did people hijack airplanes? because they knew when they landed there would be a camera crew and their message would be broadcast around the world. Pretty easy way to get your message heard. Same thing with greenpeace. Do outrageous stupid shit, get on the news. It works like that for everything.

Martin Luther King Jr. used that tactic pretty well also. I believe he held a protest the week before the beat down, and the police did nothing, so it didn't make the news. So he went to that other place, knew the cops would beat the shit out of them which they did and that made the news and everyone in the nation was shocked. Civil rights through beatings and the media. Simple idea really, but effective.
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