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Default 06-14-2007, 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by ninty
i think the dude who started greenpeace left because he said the group was becoming too radical in their tactics. some of the messages are fine, yeah, but any time you hear about them is when the do something stupid. maybe they have to do stupid things to be heard, otherwise you'd never of heard of them due to what the media covers. so perhaps their tactics are a byproduct of our society.
I dont think that every member of greenpeace is going around doing stuff to make the news....Its a pretty massive organisation, if that were the case we would hear alot more about greenpeace....The only stuff I hear that's radical is the tactics they use against whalers, which I agree with personally.

The fact that people lump them in with any protesters who are of the liberal persuasion shows how stupid and ignorant people are, and that's what Im saying here. Im not saying that greenpeace has never done anything wrong in their entire existence because im speaking for hundreds of thousands of people. I do know that they're not going around ruining soldier's funerals. I also know that all their causes are for good - and if we didnt have people like them around, then alot of assholes would get away with some serious environment-ruining shit - Without any kind of resistence.

This is our planet too, and for me greenpeace represent that. I think that's a good thing - Why would you want to align yourself as an enemy of that?

It's not like we're talking about PETA here...
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