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360's e3 line up
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Default 360's e3 line up - 06-16-2007, 08:52 AM

now not all of these are confirmed but if so HOLY FUCKING DIVER!

# Microsoft start first at 6.30pm GMT+0:00. (Fact)
# New Crimson Skies game to be announced.
# Bungie working on new title/series not related to anything in the Halo/Marathon Universe.
# Epic Games to show some form of Gears of War 2 Trailer.
# Microsoft have bought the Star Wars Battlefront 3 rights. Trailer/Demo to be shown.
# Rare to show off Banjo Kazooie 3 (Banjo-Theerie).
# Rare to announce 2 new games.
# Rare to announce Kameo 2.
# Lionhead Studios show more of Fable 2.
# Microsoft to fund a new game based on Jason Bourne. It'll be based on the books and not the film with Matt Damon.
# Team Ninja to show off Ninja Gaiden 2. Labeled 360 Exclusive.
# Apparently there's news of a MGS Game for the 360. May or may not be the 4th Installment.
# Dead Rising 2 to be shown. May not be ready
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