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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 06-25-2007, 11:00 AM

It was a real tiger, taken from Bovington Army Museum & used in this display.


to The Tank Museum, Bovington, UK.
An Independent Museum and a Registered Charity
The Home of The Tank

ALL-AMERICAN ARMOUR: The American Military Vehicle Show
Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th of June 2007 (10am - 5pm)
A full weekend event exploring the history of American military hardware.
Featuring static and moving displays.
Professional re-enactors will recreate the living conditions of American soldiers in the field from as early as World War One to Vietnam, with authentic uniforms and weapons.
Hardware on display will include Jeeps, Halftracks, Sherman's, Stuarts, and Grants with some less commonly seen vehicles,including an M60, M41, M113, and the massive cold war M103.
The highlight of the day will be an explosive mock battle set in World War Two Normandy.

Ya unforutnately I wasn't able to take my cam onto the field as it wouldn't have been too historically accurate to have someone in a willys with a cam.
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