06-28-2007, 12:05 PM
Maybe im way off base, but isnt a misdemenor charge for something like skate boarding a simple fine most times, not something to haul you in over?
That and the video is one sided, it shows a photo of the kid being choked, before the camera got there, but cites no reason for it happening. You're left to assume from the rest of the footage that the cops just a dick, and he must have just choke slammed him for skate boarding. Frankly, he had to have gotten pretty worked up to choke him like that.
Now, that said. The officer should be placed in anger managment classes, since they are supposed to stay cool in such situations and not use such methods. Frankly he got lucky that when he went chasing the one kid the others didnt just take off as well. That would have been a fun report for him to file about why hes missing a pair of cuffs.