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Default 06-28-2007, 12:22 PM

Originally Posted by RaNgeR
Regardless, I would do SOMETHING to make a point...skateboarding lol. I would make it hell for the police officer, court, blemish on his name... Do you think those kids will get in any trouble? I guarantee they wont.
of course they arent in any serious trouble with the law, they are minors...
the whole point of arresting them is to show them a little reality, dont disrespect/disobey cops. im sure the parents werent too happy having to pick them up from jail
Maybe im way off base, but isnt a misdemenor charge for something like skate boarding a simple fine most times, not something to haul you in over? [/quote:f6255]
im sure the cop was never planning on giving them a citation. i'd be willing to bet the confrontation started with the cop simply telling them to stop skateboarding as its against a city ordinance. the kids probably thought that was "stupid and unfair" as "we're JUST skateboarding" and they continued to do it and/or mouthed off. then things escalated from there.

these kids were clearly looking to cause a scene and thought that since skateboarding seems legal anywhere in their minds, they couldnt possibly get in any trouble. props to the cops for showing them the real world.