06-29-2007, 09:36 AM
The video does a piss poor job of documenting the totality of the circumstances. I would suspect there was some creative editing. I sincerely doubt that the underlying cause of the arrests were simply skateboarding. In fact, if you listen closely, the arrest was for fleeing when the first kid was told to stop for violating the city ordinance. Ordinance violations would rarely result in a physical arrest in and of itself.
Let us, for the moment, assume that the underlying cause for the arrest was legitimate, and focus on the tactics of the officers. I see nothing wrong up until the point at which he grabs the girl, who also attempts to flee when told she was going to be detained (admittedly, I have a hard time making out the audio at this point, so I don't know what exactly is said, but the officer seems to be ordering them towards the wall or something).
The officer quickly grabs the girl with an arm around the neck. Now, that is a poor tactic regardless. It affords little or no control. I think the officer should have immediately transitioned to a more effective measure which would have prevented the appearance that he was choking her.
As for the second guy - the one that tried to body slam the officer or something (I'm not sure what the purpose of that move was) in order to interfere with the arrest, I would have likely punched him. For whatever reason, the officer grabbed that guy around the neck too.....again, a wholly useless move that accomplishes little more than looking worse than it it.