06-29-2007, 12:13 PM
That would be well and good, if it was the job of the person BREAKING THE LAW to tell the LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER what to do. It's not. He tells one to sit down, she starts to walk away and is THEN put in a headlock, and the one who had ALREADY fled, attempts to intervene - he is then put in a headlock, and now gets a charge of resisting arrest.
I would say the officer reacted the way he did when they started showing a lack of respect to the cop. They could have shut their mouthes, sat down and accepted their punishment - instead they tried to punk the cop, and instead got punked themselves. I have zero sympathy for little shits like that who try to equivocate the fact that they FUCKED UP.
As for it being a stupid law - wanna know why its a law - because of assholes LIKE THAT who have ruined it for every other skateboarder out there.