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Default 06-29-2007, 11:18 PM

Originally Posted by Arkan
Originally Posted by anti
i like how arkan condones police brutality. i love how you think violence is always ok arkan, let it be towards citizens from officers, or from fathers to their children.
Anti, i thought you were pretty intelligent and would be able to understand what i was saying. When you break the law and take your lumps like a man, it can be anything from a lecture, a ticket, or being arrested. It's not the end of the world if either of that happens, just don't act like a shitbag and think you're the one being picked on, like those fucktard kids. And yeah, i expect to get my ass kicked by my father if i disrespected a cop and got in the way of his duties. I thought every kid alive had the thought of pissing off their father in the back of their mind whilst out and about. That kinda helps keep your shit on the level, if you know what i mean.

Yeah, i did some retarded things as a kid and even had to deal with the police on occassion. I never disrespected them so i never got my ass kicked from them. If dad didn't find out, all was well. If he did, i had to go home and face the music. Not like today with these spoiled fuckers.

Just to remind you......remember a few years back when i caught 3 kids fucking with my car? The outcome was 1 kid got arrested and the others let go. Why did it unfold like that?....because the kids cooperated and there was no need to arrest the other 2. One thing to note, when confronted, the parents of the kid that got arrested told me a heavy punishment was on the way for him and i've yet to see that kid ever again near my house since. I'd like to think he learned a lesson and moved past the matter. do know its illegal to beat your kids....right?

we all agree what they did was illegal, but putting a teenage girl in a headlock is going too far.