Originally Posted by Nyck
Originally Posted by Blase
Originally Posted by RaNgeR
Doesn't the person need to start the conversation; kind of lead it? If not I thought it was entrapment. I know with dealing drugs, the dealer needs to ask the cop "how much/what do you want"..I could be totally off here.
It's entrapment if someone commits a crime under circumstances they normally wouldn't due to the police giving incentive to commit the crime, such as leaving a car door open in a car theft sting.
The only way to get entrapment in a situation like this would be to offer the sex offender something in return for coming over besides sex, such as money. Anything that would be incentive for the sex offender to come to the house aside from sex itself would be something that could be liable for entrapment.
well they actually say in the article that they have to have the pedo make the 1st move. They cant say like "omg I love sex" or "How big is your dick"
the pedo has to make the 1st sexual advance
True, except the article also says the chats were initiated by members of "Perverted Justice" and not the police.