07-01-2007, 05:54 PM
Trip, that's exactly the balance. It isn't about fear, it's about respect. Sometimes you obtain it through a kick in the ass, sometimes just a chat. When i was a kid, i respected my father but when i over stepped the line (like getting in trouble with the law), you knew there was an ass beating ahead. It was a part of my life and most of the kids i grew up with during that time. The fear would kick in though if you did get into alot of trouble. Seems like those kids didn't have that fear, nor the respect for the police enforcing the law.
I find it hard to believe, by the way some of you guys here (Jotun, Anti) reacted to my comments, that you NEVER got a kick in the ass by your father. Well, perhaps you two were perfect angels and never got it trouble.
The world is my urinal