Thread: Insurgency
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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
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Default 07-02-2007, 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by geRV

LOL sounds like ea, a bug that was so obvious it should have been slapping them in the face but hey somehow miss it until 2 seconds before they have to upload it. oOo: annoy:
I know! That's exactly what I thought. What makes it worse, they led up to 1,700 along all day long on the forums without any official statement. The least they could have done was come out up front and say they fucked up. There's a reason game developers go "gold" so that the release date is final, not just a "well maybe kinda sorta it'll come out today."

Reading the forums have been hilarious, Some guy made a thread praising the devs for making such a great game and the first response was, "SHUT THE FUCK UP."


People are extremely rude though, many people have started threads saying something like, "RELEASE THE FUCKING GAME YOU ASSHOLES!!"

ffs it's free, what's there to really complain about at the end of the day? oOo:
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