Originally Posted by eeves
jeeeeezuz Jotun, i think you are being narrow minded here. Dont get me wrong Im not trying to be an ass but i think the reason why you are still arguing is because of this "all my friends skate and they dont make a big deal about it." I understand that your friends might be cool but not every skater is.
Arkan isnt saying that a physical beating is needed everytime. sLet me put is this way; some kids get their asses beat by their parents almost every fucking time they get in trouble but they keep getting in trouble...
I think what Arkan is trying to tell you is that sometimes a physical beating might make a kid understand that what he did was wrong - on another cases just a chat might make a kid understand that...Is not about the fear (of getting beat) but rather about consequence...if you do something wrong suspect some sort of punishment afterwards...
maybe so, but im trying to make a point. i dont see where people get all of these shitty notions about skaters. of course i've met dick skaters, there ARE plenty, but the majority are pretty relaxed and normal people. this whole stereotype of the skater thinking they are better is formed by the few dick skaters and the fact that people like to judge others without getting to know them.
and the whole beating your kid thing. people can do what they want, but i dont think even putting the slightest idea of violence or fear into your kid is necessary. i cant speak from experience, but i know i will never want to harm my child.