Originally Posted by Jotun
Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by Jotun
Originally Posted by Nyck
I like how the skateboarders will tell you that its a whole way of life and that skateboarding is so deep and all this shit.
but when he gets in trouble for it he breaks it down to the most basic level
"You are arresting us for riding pieces of wood?"
Thats really the beauty of it. Taking something so basic and having so much fun with it.
and thinking you're the fucking shit cuz of it
oh all the cocky groups in high school the msot hated was always the skaters cuz they thought they were so cool..but really they were the joke.
you're an idiot. why dont you take a fucking second to get to know them rather than being the pathetic pale "young adult" that you are talking shit about them on the internet?
all my friends skate and they dont make a big deal about it. they just like to skate. we go to the skate park all the time and thrash, maybe you guys should try it sometime. they are all good people too, especially when it comes to people outside our group.
and arkan, my parents are awesome people that never hit me or my brother or sister, and we are fine. theres more to discipline than fear of physical beating.
I knew every single person in my grade...and I frequented every group...all of them racially or socially divided while my group was the only diverse one in existance by the looks of it...and only kids i couldn't stand were the skaters...cuz you HAD to be one of them to be accepted.