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anti is Offline
2nd Lieutenant
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Default 07-02-2007, 03:40 PM

when you guys talk about all these kids being cheeky fucks, i really don't see it, at all. even still, if they are in need of parenting, it's parenting they need; not a fucking slap. that should be the very last resort to discipline a child. kids are assholes because their parents didn't raise them right to begin wtih, and now you want them to get hit for it? that's a great way for it to go down, have their daddy that never cared about them start raising his hand in anger.
parenting with physical violence is the worst form of parenting, it's been documented and studied. too many negative consequences come from it, and it leaves alot of negative impacts on the kid. i couldn't imagine being physically scared of my father, it was disappointing him that deterred me from doing anything.