Thread: Insurgency
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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 07-03-2007, 10:10 AM

I just played another game. It seems this game works best with a max of 24 people. People still don't know what they're doing, as they'll run right through a cap zone and not even realize it (idk how you couldn't, since you get a huge bar across your screen). The game is actually quite satisfying if you can manage to get a squad of guys who are working well together, using each weapon the way it's meant to be used. You can actually feel like working as a team could work; there's just not enough people who are knowledgeable on the game yet.

I really, REALLY like the sounds in this game. I play games with this guy who is a huge audiophile, and even he said these sounds are fantastic. For what may be the first time I've ever experienced in a game, the weapon sounds actually sound as they do if you watch real life videos of battles in the Middle East. The crack of the weapons was done perfectly, and the sound of each weapon changes for many factors: whether you're indoors/outdoors, distance, and so forth. IMO, it takes the sound concept of DOD:S but actually makes it sound right.

As for my gripes, the biggest complaint I have is the sprinting. You can't strafe while sprinting, and although that doesn't bother me so much, what does bother me is your mouse sensitivity is reduced dramatically while sprinting. That means if you want to turn at all while sprinting, you're going to have to frantically move your mouse repeatedly across your mouse pad. I guess they were going for the feel that you're wearing equipment, but it just sucks complete balls.

Another problem is the fact that your bullets actually hit lower than your iron sights. That means if you're crutched behind cover, chances are you're probably going to hit whatever is in front of you, even though your iron sights are well clearing the obstacle.

Fortunately, most of these problems have already been addressed by the devs. They actually said they're already working on new art and animations, because the current ones are over a year old, and they knew this going in, but knew it was time to release the mod anyway. It seems they're being very pro-active in knowing what doesn't work so well. There could be a patch by the end of the week.
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