Originally Posted by rudedog
Delta force land warrior had 200+ players in beta testing (was beta testing back them) but in the long run net code and latency killed that kind of support.
Also the maps in small maps (vs BF or DF) wouldn't be able to handle that many players.
One last thing, the only video from IW to show the PC version is the deep impact one. All other video's have been from the 360. Hence the console hud vs PC hud is different in the latest video.
One more thing, I need to give EA some lovin so I will be heading out to a location that has not been released just yet for a MP preview of Airborne in about 2 weeks. This is not your typical EA located event.
So expect some Airborne MP info soon.
Whats the bets with their multi million dollar budget that they still can't play a game like dod source or red orchestra and copy the mobile mg's from them. cuss: