Thread: Insurgency
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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 07-03-2007, 10:27 AM

Another thing I really like, especially when compared to Red Orchestra, is the grenades. In RO you can throw grenades 500 meters halfway across a map. In most games, and ESPECIALLY in matches, the winning team will be the one who can launch their grenades the fastest. It eliminates the element of cover and suppression, because if you stay in one spot, you will be killed soon, at least as long as you're playing against me. Insurgency's grenades don't do this. The grenades feel heavy like they should, but you can still throw them far enough to feel effective. You would think this would result in tremendous camping, and at the moment it does (because the players don't know any better), but the bullet penetration will eventually force players to move. Again most players don't realize there is bullet penetration, but I've killed countless people who were hiding behind sandbags, wooden planks, power posts, tin sheeted plates, and even dry walls. This is perfectly fine with me at the moment, since my kill/death ratio looks good, but eventually people will figure it out and stop camping so much.

Really the only thing holding the gameplay back right now is the lack of any real good games. Either both teams have no clue what they're doing, or one team actually knows what they're doing and the other team doesn't and they end cap every round within 3 minutes.

You can also move around while you've got your MG bipod out while prone. You can't fire while you're moving, as your guy picks up the rifle, but being able to still maintain some mobility is awesome, and that's the biggest reason why I've never liked using MGs in Red Orchestra or other games up to this point. So far the RPK is my favorite weapon. It's a BEAST.
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