Thread: Insurgency
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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
1st Lieutenant
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 07-03-2007, 04:24 PM

Originally Posted by Paintballr
There a rank system in game?
Yes, but as of right now I don't think it means anything. The developers have plans to introduce a global stat tracking system, and possibly with rewards. As it stands right now, the ranking system only ranks you up during the game you're currently playing, and doesn't keep track of your rank. You rank up very fast in the game though. I can go from Pvt. to Lt. within 30 minutes of playing or so (Recruit to Revolutionary rank for the Insurgents).

Ranking up doesn't give you anything, and doesn't give you access to better weapons like BF2. Really the only reason for it right now is to let you know who is "good", or at least who knows what the Hell they're doing (that number is small right now). I tend to follow other Lieutenants when I join a server, and I leave the Privates to themselves.

I think someboday said this game is Full Spectrum Warrior in FPS style. Actually, that's not too far off from some of the experiences I've had, but you have to find a team who knows what's going to to really get that feel. I know one thing from finally playing on a good team who has a clue about military tactics, and that is each weapon really feels like it serves the same role as those weapons would in real life.

For example, we were in a cap zone on top of a building. Right ahead of this building lies a wide road with buses and roadblocks and a smaller alleyway to the side. The Insurgents were pushing hard as Hell to cap back what we had just stolen from them. We had 5 guys on our roof. I was the commander, so I told the SAW gunner to deploy his bipod and cover the alleyway. Just placing that one guy in the right position with the right weapon completely shut down that alleyway, and allowed the rest of us to try to push forward into the next cap zone. They kept trying to flank through the alley, but our SAW gunner was just wiping them out, whereas an M-16 or M4 probably couldn't hold down a position like that.
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