Originally Posted by rudedog
OK, this has to be the best movie I've seen in a while. While I was not a big transformers fan growing up (I'd rather watch starblazers because they had a kick ass battleship as their main spacecraft - man I'm dating myself) I did my fair share of watching the series in the early days.
The movie did a great job of intertwining CGI and live action, lots and I mean lots of action with some funny one liners thrown in. My dream 2004+ mustang has now been pushed aside by the new 2008(?) Camaro, in my fav. color canary yellow
As for being too violent there maybe one hint of someone getting stepped on but no blood and guts at all (one guy does get spiked from behind). Lots of bots on bots fighting and plenty of large explosions.
If your a fan of the old cartoons, there is plenty of old hidden gems thrown in here and there. Keeping the same voice actors was well worth it.
Funny, the past 13/14 years I cant stand to watch a movie or TV show twice within the same year or two, but I want to go back and see this movie again.
As for our local theater, they had the movie playing every 1/2 hour and our showing was about 65% full.
Please if anyone sees the movie leave your review, but try and not give anything away... please no spoilers..
Did you stay for after the credits?