Thread: Insurgency
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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
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Default 07-03-2007, 06:40 PM

You can buy the HL2 DM for $10. That's the cheapest I think.

As for buying something simply to play this mod, don't set your hopes too high. There's a lot of things about this game that are broken. It is, afterall, the first public beta. Use of teamwork is a very rare instance so far, since most people playing the game right now are either idiots or little CSS kids who are team killing everybody. However, I think it's safe to say that with a number of improvements that will be coming soon in a series of patches, this game could be a fantastic experience for both matches and public servers with players who are willing to play as a squad.

From everything I've seen, players who don't want to play as a squad and just go Rambo are usually the first to die. You will die extremely fast in this game if you don't stick with other players. Even if the group of players you're with aren't using teamwork or playing as a squad, at least players tend to stick together in groups. Of course most servers I've been on nobody stays in groups, and then they ask why they keep losing over and over within 5 minutes. You'd think the kids would understand there's something called objectives.

There are several different game types. Push is the most popular one, and it pits an attacking team against a defending team. The attacking team must cap all objectives. The attacking team only starts with 9-10 reinforcement waves, whereas the defending team gets an unlimited amount of waves. However, with each obj that is capped, you get an extra 5 reinforcement waves. Trust me, if you don't want to play as a team, you will lose within 5 minutes. The reinforcement waves get depleted very fast if you're not willing to work as a team or actually use your brain before you move somewhere. There's been a lot of people bitching on the forums about how the Marines can never win (they're the attacking team for this particular game mode). Hopefully these CSS kids move along soon.

Going back to game types, I already spoke about Push. You have Battle, which is basically like Day of Defeat. Both teams try to end cap, and both teams have unlimited reinforcements. I've only seen a definitive win twice on this game mode, as usually it comes to a draw (just not enough teamwork yet to warrant successful pushes). Then you have firefight, which is like Battle except you can capture the objectives in any order. You don't have to do it in succession. In Battle if you're in the middle of capping, and the enemy caps behind your line, then you must fall back because you can no longer cap that point.

There's a few other gametypes, but I haven't looked into it. Those three are the main ones. I took A LOT of screenshots of the weapon models and such. I'll get around to uploading them and posting them here.
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