07-04-2007, 09:12 AM
Performance is shit at the moment. The developers said the last build (the one that was uploaded for distribution) contains some new flaws in the code that bogs down frame rate pretty bad when you're outside. It will go from 100+ indoors to 20 outside in some areas. I've gotten up to 40 outside still, so it's playable, but annoying. When asked about it, the quote was something along the lines of, "I think you'll be pleased soon with the correction in performance."
It's not the game, as people with 8800 GTX cards are getting 20 frames just as the guy with a 7300. I actually turned all the graphics on low, turned off AA and AF, everything, and my framerate was identical, so that tells me it is indeed a flaw in the code and they're working on it right now.