Thread: Insurgency
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Default 07-04-2007, 10:19 PM

I just figured that out, its actually really fun, and i like how its basically a one shot one kill game. The M16/ M4 sounds are damn good, so are all the other weapon noises going on in hte BG.

I had my aimpoint up walking slow and a terrorist turned the corner and i shot him about 3 times (i only use semi, anything more is a waste) and it was awesome, like some shit out of BHD.

One recommendation i dont know if you are on those forums or not, but tell the fucking Devs and modelers to put ACOGs on the M16 rifleman kits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any fucking picture of a Marine in iraq with an M16 he has an ACOG on there. Jesus it annoys me, iron sights are so last decade.


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