07-04-2007, 10:51 PM
Actually it's most likely based early on in the war, hence Saddam's statue is still present. Of course that would bring some inconsistencies in the presence of the USMC MARPAT that is present in the game...
I don't care either way, as long as they improve the look of the M16's iron sights. They look a little funky, and it's the only blemish I've found with the weapon models. I like ACOG, but I doubt the devs would put it in. That would give the USMC mostly aimpoints or scopes, with the only two weapons without being the shotgun and the SAW, whereas the Insurgents would only have their sniper with a scope. It would be realistic indeed, as I'm not really interested in total weapon balance, and even if they did put that in they could still give the Insurgents some advantages in their weapons. They could give more damage to the AK-47 and the RPK, considering they use a larger round than the M16/M4, but considering it seems the M16/M4 already is a 1 shot kill in the chest or head, I'm not sure how you could do that.
I like the fact that it's a 1 shot kill in the chest/head in this game. Sure, not everybody will automatically die from 1 bullet to the chest, but it will sure as Hell make you drop to the ground and render you useless, so I don't have a problem with it. I've actually taken 2 shots before without dying.