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Default 07-05-2007, 07:06 PM

oh trips, you mentioned about there being no WW1 games, heres a new one:

Chemistry - 'To End All Wars'
Game creators have drawn on wars of every kind and period for material, but World War One has generally been passed over--and for good reason. After all, how do you make a game anywhere near the reality of The Great War--soldiers wading in two feet of mud for months on end, only to be randomly gassed or shelled from above, and finally made to charge toward the barrel of a machinegun and a sudden death--into something fun?
The UK team of publisher Ghostlight and development studio Chemistry is taking the challenge with To End All Wars, a first person shooter set in Europe during the four year conflict. Using the Unreal Engine 3 to deliver what Ghostlight calls "mud strewn horror," To End All Wars is planned for an Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 release during the summer of 2008.

Hope its decent...

That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
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