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Default 07-10-2007, 02:49 PM

Originally Posted by Zoner
He had such a rep (I'm sure most of it was due to his look) for being a tough guy back in those days he used to have people picking fights with him while on stage. Pretty crazy. I'd say he could lay a beating on you if he wanted to, but he doesn't seem like the type of guy who instigates.

I saw Rollins a few years ago on one of his spoken word tours. Dude is so smart and funny.
he wouldnt instigate them, but there were a few times where he beat some faces into the ground. he broke his wrist on someones head a few times. after years of getting spit on by the crowd and getting piss poured on him and shit, he was fed up. in one journal entry of his, some guy poured a pitcher of beer on him while he was playing, so his friend made sure the guy stayed in the place. after the show, they brought him backstage and kicked his ass. pretty gnarly stuff.

he's a person i look up to, after all the shit he went through with Black Flag, he still continues to make music and try to make a difference with the war and everything. he's a very respectful and intelligent guy.

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