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RaNgeR is Offline
Sergeant 1st Class
Posts: 1,698
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Syracuse, New York
Default 07-10-2007, 08:44 PM

Fluffy and I went out! We miiisssed some good friend at a local pub, but we both caught up with some skank ass hoes and my room mate at Sport Bar? 1 pnd drinks are my friend...but mad doodzz is not. Fluffy is passing out on my common room couch, hopefully he comes out on a weekend on like a FRI or SAT. I drink like...what? Five nights a week, but the weekends, naturally, are the greatest. Fluffy and I drank mad pints during happy hourrrr, HILARIOUS times, Fluffy is honestly, such a good guy; I love him forever. The only thing we have to do now is get elstatec here in this londontown..anyone else who wants to meets up can! prot!?!
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