07-11-2007, 03:27 AM
I got to Victoria about 730am GMT, wearing my brown suit & feeling a bit blurry eyed, no doubt looking the worse for wear. I caught the train back to my town & ten minutes into the journey, due to the wobbling of the carriage & the copious amounts of alcohol still in my system. I started turning the colour of the countryside whizzing past the train window. I rushed out of my seat & barged past the professional commuters on the train, all in their business suits & with their laptops. No doubt they turned up their noses & frowned in typical Brit fashion as I slammed the door shut & attempted to puke up in the train toilet. How did I get in such a state?
Lads... A historic moment! For the first time ever due to AA.com/FPS/92b, forum members from a different country have actually met! This was also the first time I've ever met anyone from a different continent from the internets in real life.
I caught up with Brian about 6pm on Tuesday outside Gloucester Road tube station & we went to his local bar & proceeded to get fkd out our face for happy hour. I do drink quite a bit & quite often but I never claim to be able to drink a lot at one sitting so after 4 or 5 pints I start to feel the alcohol kick in. I sense Brian is getting a bit mashed too but he continued to drink me under the table throughout the night in fine fashion.
We stumbled back to his pad a bit later, Brian is staying in a very impressive location right next to the French Embassy, which unfortunately had T.V. cameras outside it otherwise I would have made a political statement by pissing all over those French fkers. (I’m currently reading a book on Dunkirk). I met Brians roommate who was pretty cool, he’s from Cally & told us all the other people were at the sports bar so we headed there.
We got to the Sports bar & I was introduced to some of Brians mates, they all seemed pretty cool, I get the impression that the guy from Texas must be a party animal. Sadly quite a few of them had to head back soon as they had some work or something, but we were left with some American ladies on our next table. Unfortunately some ugly city types had already made their move on them so Brian & I continued to get mashed. Later we went dancing & one of the young ladies who was from Atlanta, Georgia managed to get away from her loser date & came dancing with us. I remember international relations between the allies reached a new level as she thrust her southern posterior against me & proceeded to gyrate in a manner that will ever do credit to her great state. Brian soon came over to join us & I think we prolly could have continued the diplomatic manoeuvres had her friend not intervened & called her back.
We ended up getting utterly fkd & left around 3am to try & get back to Piccadilly Circus, Brian was pretty trashed but we were able to get a black London taxi back to his place. We sat up chatting for a bit & I remember asking Brian’s Californian room mate, whilst fkd out my face, essentially important questions about Californian culture, such as. “Is saved by the Bell an accurate depiction of High School life in the early 90s?” He answered most of my questions & showed me some photos of his girlfriend & other assorted Yankee slags, of whom I was very impressed.
Pix of the great night below:
one of the flash bars Brian hangs out in
Brian at the sports bar getting a bit mashed
Brian & beer
fluf n beer
the club, unfortunately there were quite a few guys
fluff n Brian rock:
fkd view from cab on way back
Thanks for the excellent night Brian rock: we must meet with elstat & go out again. Sorry for heading off early without catching up with ya. I woke up at about 6am & figured you guys were gana be in bed till 9, I didn't want to wake you so decided to head back. Thanks also for the drinkage & expenses, I shall pay you back next time we party!