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RaNgeR is Offline
Sergeant 1st Class
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Syracuse, New York
Default 07-11-2007, 06:26 AM

LOL. Last night was absolutely hilarious.. I woke up still drunk, basically, and hopped on the tube to get to class. That girl Amanda is in my class and she didnt prof. did poke fun at me. He knows I go out all the time and come to class super hungover. I just feel really bad because you didnt get to meet the kids I usually hang out with. I usually roll out with my room mate from Cali, this girl laura, and her friends Hannah and Paige (all 3 are gorgeous, btw). That group of kids I hang out with are 10x cooler than those american slags we talked to last night; I didnt even know their names. I had actually only met those girls who were with the "city types" yesterday at lunch...and meh, they are okay. I highly doubt any of them remember what happened last night..too funny. Apparently the guys they were with were police officers? I have no room mate from texas was telling me about it just now; I guess he fucking hates those dudes. I agree though..faaar too many dudes at Sports Cafe, which was pretty lame, BUT it was a tuesday night...come down to londontown on a thurs, fri, or sat and shit gets alot crazier; its awesome. time you come out you can meet my good friends here, it shall be cool.
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