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Re: E3 - 07 - Microsoft kicks it off.
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Default Re: E3 - 07 - Microsoft kicks it off. - 07-11-2007, 08:09 AM

Originally Posted by Miscguy
Assasins Creed was DISSAPOINTING at best. Bumping into pedestrians makes your character practically fly backwards. After distracting some guards with a guy pushed off the top of a building (how he got there since we scaled the building i dont know) they headed to the guy they were supposed to kill, and found another guard. They killed him on a slight ledge... His body floated over the street rather than falling to it. The presenter let out a very nervious laugh, she will be fired. It seems to be more a puzzle game than an action game since you kinda have to fit peices of your entrance together. Like noticing the guy up top, also noticing that he is the only person on ANY roof in the entire large city.
floating body biggrin: they better fix that shit, i just love that nervous laugh she did, i was waiting for her to explain why the guy was floating there.
the bumping into them will fly you back but i think your suppose to push them out of the way not bump into them.
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