09-27-2002, 06:36 AM
i like the fact that everyone feels all safe giving out their cc details when they have a little "secure connection" SSL padlock show up on their browser.
yes people no hacker anywhere can be bothered trying to intercept your encrypted packets to steal the details on a single credit card that may or may not have $7 worth of credit left on it to abuse.
on the other hand there is no icon to show your details arent being stored in a bigass database along with everyone elses in an unpatched SQL server that still has the logins for the guys who were sacked months ago.
nobody lifts a single credit card number when it is infinitely easier to get them in batches of 10,000.
unless you read security mailing lists you might actually be suprised this happens quite a bit...... then again with less than half of breaches like that getting reported or even discovered the actual rate of this happening will suprise everyone.... if we ever knew that is.