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mopface is Offline
Posts: 35
Join Date: May 2007
Default 07-11-2007, 12:58 PM

Originally Posted by Jotun
alright, well i made my decision.

im going to stick with the fender for now. i've only had it for about a month, its very loud and good enough to practice/play shows with, and it has great distortion as it is. having a halfstack would be impractical at college right now, and i would rather just save my money. i will eventually save up for a better halfstack.

thanks for the advice, guys.
Ya for sure. When i was in a band in highschool we played a couple of shows, and my guitarist played with his 2x12 vox amp. mic'd up through the pa it sounded greattt. the fender sounds like the way to goo.
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