Thread: Any good books?
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Default 07-12-2007, 02:24 PM

what are you looking for or interested in? fiction, non fiction? I have gotten back into reading myself and alternate between fiction and non.

A book most people here would probably enjoy is Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein. Much better than the movie. I was recommended to read this book by my platoon sargent a couple years ago. Great book. It's even on the USMC reading list.

The non fiction book i'm reading now is called Hyperspace, well I guess it could kind of be fiction since it's about superstring theory and theoretical physics, but I digress.

Most people would probably recognize the author, he's on the discovery channel all the time, Michio Kaku. I'm about half way done and it's a book on theoretical physics and our universe written for the general public, not scientists. Therefore if you have a basic grasp of physics and science, you shouldn't have a problem reading it. So far i'm enjoying it a lot.
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