07-13-2007, 08:03 PM
Well I guess it was retarded to make that post without saying what it was suspended for... unless oh wait, it's fucking embarrassing.
3 Accidents and a speeding ticket and moving violation. Then on top of that I had another ticket and another moving violation.
Wow, that took time to wirte. Not good.
Seriously though, just as an obscure reference, this state is going straight down the shitter.
I now have to drive 100 miles a day somehow without a liscense. And I can't afford insurance, so I guess I wont have any for a while. Can I get a ride? I dont think I can find somebody to drive me 1000 miles a week. Public transportation? Nope, job is too far away. New job? Nope, need it towards my schooling. National revolution? Having trouble seeing why not.