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RaNgeR is Offline
Sergeant 1st Class
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Syracuse, New York
Default 07-13-2007, 09:32 PM

I LOLED when I read this. TOO funny. Muz, can you get to London tomorrow at all? or within the next week? I went out tonight right? Some local bar/club. I danced with a 50+ year old woman for MAD facebook pics. My friend told her I was blind and I was lectured by her for about 20 minutes about the importance of being respectful towards blind people. I honestly think I had 3 coronas while she told me that; crazy skank ass old hoe. THEN this dude comes up to me and says " So, I saw you dancing with my mom." I replied with a courteous
"yeah, it was alot of fun. Just enjoying myself and London." He said " So, my mom is attractive to you?" Im like..." ehhh, no." He says "So, you are saying she is ugly." I tell him..."Wow, are putting words in my mouth." He sees the worry on my face and laughs it off with me and tells me he is just messing and that it was too funny I was dancing with some old chick and how he geeked out over it. Im like OMG WTF stressed me out. My room mate was ready to punch the guy in the back of the head..he told me he was watching the entire thing unfold and if it went any further he would have bopped him in the head - obv. he was drunk but it was still fucking hilarious listening to me room mate say this.
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