07-14-2007, 04:43 AM
Okay Sober now...
Let me explain.
I was in a bar with my cousin and a friend, we decided that no girls were ever gonna come so we headed out. By time we headed out I needed a piss, so I started having one in a side streat. Next thing I know a police grabbed me by the arm slung me in the back of a van fined me £80 then slung me out,
He said "dont do that again"
I replied "Okay Sorry I wont"
Which he replied "Your a cocky twat"
Next thing I know Im being rushed by two police, one got my face and started hoe slappin me the other got out his ploice bat and stuck it down my throat.
So here I am absoulty bladdered getting bitch slapped by a police man while eating his bat.
As this was happening my cousin ran round the corner and shouted,
"Dont touch my cousin"
Yes. He got twated aswell.
So in the space of 5 minutes me and my cousin got our faces abused I eat stick and was £80 down. Not one of the bests nights I've had out.
Ranger mate I dont know about this week, I am at a hoes party Friday. I have no idea when.