09-27-2002, 09:20 AM
Learn some patience. In OBJ if someone is camping in a building then they are being smart - don't just go run into an ambush, especially when you'll have to wait 5 minutes to play again. Ever think about why you're waiting and they're not?
However, if someone is at spawn waiting for every to kill eachother, that's a different story. It's cowardly and unnecessary delay of game. Or, if someone camps somewhere no one will ever suspect and they just sit there until the last minute - again, unnecessary delay of game.
If you don't like waiting for the next round, then don't get killed so quickly. If you're not sure how to avoid being killed, then use some patience and watch those campers you're so quick to judge. Yes, MOH is just a game, but so is chess and poker - both are games that require strategy. Some times this may mean taking a little longer to get the objective.
Nuff said.