Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003

07-17-2007, 10:12 PM
Ha, there's no way I'm reading the entire thing but so far:
Appearantly the big "Snape kills Dumboldore" death last book was one big ruse. Snape had been working for the Order Of The Phoenix as well as the Death Eaters, a double agent and on Dumboldore's oder's kills him, in order to prevent Voldermort from possessing some "Elder Wand" (which is a badass wand I guess). The problem is, the Elder Want can only be taken from someone who beats the wearer - as Voldemort didn't kill Dum, he can't actually possess the wand.
At some point in the book Voldermort becomes Hogwarts leader or some nonsense. It is here that the final act takes place after Harry "dies" (he's not actually dead, but he does see Dumboldore who explains alot to Harry - cause Harry is a bint appearantly, about his role in the world and shit). Harry is being a pussy and hiding, but when Voldermort almost kills someone named Neville, he unmasks and oh the shit hits the fan - fighting and one character says "Get away from my daughter you BITCH!" - edgy writing. It's the previously mentioned Mrs. Weasley. At this point, Weasley kills Bella Langstrone (or the woman Helena Carter plays in the current movie).
Harry and Voldermort have a standoff. Voldermort has the wand, but Harry says "Your wand wont do shit bitch - be a man for once, show some remorse for your actions!" He dont. And he dies. And Harry is the man.
Use this to spread your evil across the internet people - destroy this book. Infect Penny-Arcade with this news, and be swift about it. Also millwarworld.tv - both dont require any authentication and wont see it coming!