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Default 07-20-2007, 11:30 PM

well jibs, if you were online, I would have offered you my other ticket I had to the jays game tonight, We could have met at the game. All of my other friends, literally, all of the ones I assosiate the most with which is about 10, already had plans, or didnt like baseball. I went to the game by myself, yes call me a fucking loser, I dont care.

I couldnt scalp the other ticket. almost impossible to get someone to buy a single ticket lol. dudes were offereing me $5. i told them forget it.

but ya Jibs, my friends gave me a deal at the last minute because she couldnt go. I got a pair for $50, These were awesome seats for teh price, I couldnt pass it up. i would have given you the other one.





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