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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 07-22-2007, 05:25 PM

All right u tarts!

I've been on another ww2 weekend rock: I was seriously considering trying to smuggle ranger with me but he'd need a ww2 uniform & stuff to get into the group & this place is miles from London.

pix below:


stfu & put yer seat belt on bitch

in the woods, me in the turret

das jermanz

after trying to invade our airspace the Russians sent tanks to Kent for a pre emptive strike but me & the lads pushed em back rock:

a tank girl, my kinda woman

more krauts, this time in a fake toigar

just some of the toys I can play with at the weekend

I went in this tank, see how it has jagged metal spikes at the front to impale chavs before I run them over?

our little M8 armoured car thing

going back to our tents in convoy

the photos below I nicked from some pro photographer who was there


jeep recce is the coolest thing to do

thars me in the turret

jerry gets smoked


I also took a video with my mobile phone halfway through the battle, I haven't really watched it all yet & still need to edit out the bs parts, will post it on here when it's done.

Another great weekend rock:
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