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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 07-23-2007, 06:03 AM

I just found out that this was the lagest re-enactment show in the world, not surprising really as it took me about 2 hours to walk around all three fields of vehicles & re-enactors. People had travelled quite a way, we had Dutch, Germans, French, Americans & in our group we had some Spanish guys. It wasn't all just US & Germans, they had Tommies, Russians, Afrika Corp & Desert Rats. It wasn't just ww2 either they had Vietnam & Gulf war 1.

The battles were pretty big too, we had about 3 tanks, 3 armoured cars, a halftrack & three jeeps. The Germans had a tiger, a stug a german halftrack & about 3 motorcycles.

We had a spitfire & a p51 fly over but they didn't strafe. It was pretty cool at one point when I was in the tank & we'd just taken out a Stug or something. The driver of the German vehicle used a bit of artistic license & jumped out, ran from his vehicle to ours. Then he took out a luger & started shooting at us trying to hit the driver. I looked down at our driver & he whipped out a colt.45 & started shooting back but, after 1 shot the .45 disintegrated in his hand but the kraut faked a death anyway. I think it's v cool we're allowed to make things up as we go along. I want to save up for a thompson or something so next time our tank gets taken out I'll jump out & go in as infantry. rock:

Here's a few more of my non combat pics, just showing the German camps & vehicles etc:










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