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RaNgeR is Offline
Sergeant 1st Class
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Location: Syracuse, New York
Default 07-23-2007, 04:55 PM

lol.. I could have bought a costume at a halloween store? and tried to pass it off as authentic haha. My weekend was too tame...saturday was a debacle moving out of my dorm and into my hotel..took SO long; fucking staff. Sunday I chilled at hyde park..realised I hadnt taken any pictures of the area I stayed in, so I snapped away and ate at my favorite restauranta final time. I went to southbank across from that Big Ben and read harry potter happy: Today I tried to get to oxford but that was a no go; it rains waaaay to fucking much in the UK, honestly...its rediculous. I ended up going to Dover, where it rained on me the entire time I was there, and of course I was lacking an umbrella. Since it took so long for me to get out of London, I only had 3.5 hours there and decided to spend my time at Dover castle. On the way out I saw so many chavs, it was mind boggling.

glad you had fun bunny; wish I could have been there
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