07-28-2007, 11:29 AM
what exactly are you saving up for is the real question there has to be a goal in mind.
do you want to save money to buy something?
that would fall under GTBoys the guy wants to buy a nice 1k+ TV and a 360 and it sounds like hes doing a good job.
do you want to save money to have in case of unexpected emergencies?
thats what Butters has again good job.
do you want to save money for you to have when you retire?
excellent to start now, see if your work has a 401k/IRA plan you can contribute to. Those are your perfect retirement funds because
1. Its taken out before you even see it so it cant be missed, just like taxes.
2. you earn nice return interest on it, much better than a savings account
3. if your company matches even better you basically can double your money every month.
My work will contribute 100 dollars for every 125 that I put in. so every month I save 125 bucks from my check and I instantly get another 100 from my company. so I save 125 and earn 100 on it. then all that money gets interest on top of that.
Hell even when I worked part time at Staples they had a 401k plan, even your fast food joints probably have something you can sign up for, plus your money can be rolled over to another 401k if you get a different job, so you dont lose that money.