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Default 07-28-2007, 12:38 PM

i suggest putting your money into the stock market

a typical bank account only accrues a savings rate of like 2% on simple interest.
a Money Market account gets you above 5% on compounded interest
an index like the S&P 500 over the years averages out to about 11% a year

keep in mind that inflation usually raises 2% a year, so all that money you have in your savings account at your bank is now growing, its losing. happy:

Are you saving for retirement? Or for a toy you want to buy in the next few years?
I'd open a roth IRA for your retirement. Do it youself and not through a bank (they usually charge 1% interest on your gains) orrrr if your employer offers a 401k plan go that route.

I day trade for a living and I make pretty good money off of it.
It's like with more gay jokes.
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