07-30-2007, 12:23 PM
[quote="TGB!":3ee86]500 for glasses - what the fuck. I'm guessing you or your parents don't have health-insurance. New Glases=90 bucks.[/quote:3ee86]
Well my parents do, but I'm off their insurance. What happend with my old job was that I applied for the insurance when I hit my 90 days and they were supposed to send me an insurance card and deduct the amount from my checks each payday. Well after 3 months of bugging the human resources hoe she finally comes to me and says I owe 500 bucks in back money because supposedly the payroll company says I've been covered since I first applied for the insurance. I called up the payroll company and after talking to them they were going to cut me a "deal" and only make me pay 250 instead of 500. I promptly told them to blow it out their ass since I was getting fired in like 2 weeks. Sure enough about week later my shit breaks and there's about 500 bones for glasses down the pooper.
My other problem with me saving, is that I nickle and dime myself. I'll skip the large purchase of like 50 bucks, but then I'll spend 10-15 bucks here n there and before ya know it I've spent the 50 bucks or more.