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My Spraypaint Art...
jujumantb is Offline
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Default My Spraypaint Art... - 07-30-2007, 09:41 PM

Been doin some stencil art for a few weeks here, there is a guy selling these on ebay for like $50 a pop... ive been happy with the results using my own technique. each single panel (done on 1/8inch hardboard) costs about $6 in materials and takes 1.5-3 hours depending on complexity, pretty simple to do.

top left was my first one, its of Charles Bukowski
top right was my second, its of Cat Stevens
middle is obviously The Beatles- stole the design from the ebay guy
bottom is Slug of Atmosphere- also stolen design
i also did one of a photo of me and my girlfriend- but i already gave it to her


kinda cool eh? will be hanging these in my place next year..

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