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Some kewl Navy stuff
imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default Some kewl Navy stuff - 07-31-2007, 06:49 PM

Found this when I was browsing the Royal Navy forums:

[quote:29238]Take a look lads, what are the Navy to do with all the Mk VIII Torpedoes they have laying about? Well secret trials reveal they are resurrecting an old practice and trials have been resumed recently. Pic from my Clyde
spy of fish exiting the surface.

Method: Establish position of Dipper in hover, then from depth 35 metres fire Mk VIII diesel torpedo with full rise set on its planes from the calculated firing point. Torpedo travelling at 50 mph exits water on upward trajectory. one and half tons of fish meets hovering helicopter. No contest bye-bye Helio.[/quote:29238]

[quote:29238]Darkershadeofblu wrote:
Looks like excellent improvisation to me Nutty!! [/quote:29238]

[quote:29238]No its is a real photograph which can be found on Pag 43 of "The T Class Submarine" by Paul J Kemp.ISBN 1-55750-826-7.* Underneath the exiting fish is HMS/m Truncheon and I was on board her as part of her 63 man crew. Maybe I had moved the dates a tad, but poetic licence is allowed.

So still be afraid dippers.

Nutty [/quote:29238]

*(ergo it's no longer secret so can post it on the interents)

I didn't know subs could take out helos, still dunno if they are bs'ing or not though. Pretty cool if it is true. rock:

BTW Dippers= helicopters, for a helicopter to find & track a submarine they must hover, then drop a dipping sonar. The sonar is lowered into the ocean & through the different temperatures in order to try & pic up any sound given away by the submarines propellor.
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